
Models are used to supply data to your application. The data usually comes from an external API that the models execute calls to. Because querying data from an external API happens asynchronously, you will need to supply a callback function whenever you make a call to a model method from a controller.

Calling your model methods from controllers

First you need to create (add) a model, and then call its methods from controller(s). Let's assume you have added a model called article. Here's an example on how to call the articleModel's method getArticles:

$models.article.getArticles({ some: 'parameters' }, function(response) {
// do something with the response that the model gave

Example on how to add a model is described below and is also present in the demo application bundled with the Maverick framework. In addition to calling your model methods from controllers, you may optionally also call them from views (but it is not recommended).

Public functions for handling models and model methods


Adds (creates) a model, instantiates it and exposes its methods via models.[modelName].[methodName].

Arguments: [string] modelName, [function] constructor, [object] methods

$models.add('article', function() {}, {
getArticles: function(params, callback) {
$.getJSON('/articles.json', callback);
getArticleTypes: function(params, callback) {
$.getJSON('/articleType.json', callback);

In the example above, we create (add) a new model called article. As you can see, each model can have multiple methods — usually for fetching different types of data. In the example above, we create (add) a model that has two methods: getArticles and getArticleTypes. The first will retrieve articles from a JSON file in the server and pass the response to a callback function provided from the controller. The second will retrieve articleTypes from a JSON file in the server and again pass the response to a callback function in a similar manner.


Queries multiple models/methods and after all models have replied executes a single callback function that receives data from all queried models/methods.

Arguments: [function] models.[modelName].[modelMethod]([mixed] params), [function] models.[modelName].[modelMethod]([mixed] params), [function] models.[modelName].[modelMethod]([mixed] params), ..., [function] callback([mixed] params, [mixed] params, 2...)

$models.article.getArticles({ some: 'arguments' }),
${ some: 'other arguments' }),
$models.comment.getComments({ some: 'more arguments' }),
function(articles, authors, comments) {
// do something with the received data

As mentioned earlier, querying data from external APIs happens asynchronously, and because it is often the case that a single controller must fetch data from multiple sources (model methods) before actually carrying on with actions, the $models.getMany method kicks in. The $models.getMany is a tricky method that allows you to fetch data from multiple model methods simultaneously by passing a single callback function that is only executed once all the model methods have replied their data.

In the example above, we query three different model methods ($models.article.getArticles, $ and $models.comment.getComments) and provide a single in-line callback function that is executed after the data from all three models have been received.

Handling responses with models.getMany()
The responses from the models are gathered and provided to the callback function as objects. For example, if the getArticles method provides multiple arguments in its response, all those arguments are grouped into an object. The same goes for all model method calls. Responses from each method end up as objects in the same order as provided to the final callback function.